Monday, May 20, 2013


We are so Proud of Our PADE' making his debut and rocking some light magic at ICFF 2013..We knew you had it in you and the work speaks for all those years of mad scientist behavior toward art...We love you!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

This is the year of CELEBRATIONS
Sunday, May 19th, 2013
Please join Maha Rose in a bazaar featuring handcrafted adornments, imported treasures, edible treats, Reiki, card readings, flower essence therapy & more surprise magic..

Lisa Levine Jewelry
TAPA by Tamika Rivera,
Soda Fine by Erin Weckerle
Watercolors by Erika Vala
Pottery by Jordan Coløn
Beauty & GLITTER tattoos by Sonya Tsuchigane
Forgotten Language Herbs,
Honey Caramels by Golden Well Apiaries
Christine's Raw Chocolates
Kitchari by Six Petals Organics
Flower Essence Readings with Lindsay Fanutleroy of Oceans & Rivers
& more...

L I V E M U S I C to heal the S O U L at 7pm
Sonya Kitchell
Isabel Castellvi

LOVE, Lisa & maha rose