This is the year of CELEBRATIONS
Sunday, May 19th, 2013
Please join Maha Rose in a bazaar featuring handcrafted adornments,
imported treasures, edible treats, Reiki, card readings, flower essence
therapy & more surprise magic..
Lisa Levine Jewelry
TAPA by Tamika Rivera,
Soda Fine by Erin Weckerle
Watercolors by Erika Vala
Pottery by Jordan Coløn
Beauty & GLITTER tattoos by Sonya Tsuchigane
Forgotten Language Herbs,
Honey Caramels by Golden Well Apiaries
Christine's Raw Chocolates
Kitchari by Six Petals Organics
Flower Essence Readings with Lindsay Fanutleroy of Oceans & Rivers
& more...
L I V E M U S I C to heal the S O U L at 7pm
Sonya Kitchell
Isabel Castellvi
LOVE, Lisa & maha rose