Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dr Weng in February !

  • Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 10:00am 
    until Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 3:00pm
    Dr. Mei Jen Weng is a licensed acupuncturist, oriental medicine doctor and Ph.D. She has treated people on Amma's tours throughout Europe, Australia, Japan, and the United States. She is a graduate of Chung Shan Medical College in Taiwan and Yuin University of Chinese Medicine.

    Dr. Weng is not only a highly skilled master, she is a powerful intuitive and energetic healer. Patients who have received treatment say she is particularly gifted in facilitating the rapid release of buried emotional blocks and past traumas which made them depressed, sad, or chronically ill. Dr. Weng treats both men and women. Her vision is to "free people". She particularly supports the liberation of women and the Divine Feminine so that people can express greater joy, energy, peace, health and creativity in their lives and world service.

    Treatments are $60.00 per treatment. Proceeds benefit Amma's worldwide charities.

    For appointments email

    A Doctor of Chinese medicine and Amma Devotee who recently received treatment from Dr. Weng said, "She is truly a master. When I watch her work, I see how I can improve my own practice."

    OM Amriteshwaryai Namah

    for more information see

97 Green street, g3, Brooklyn, NY 11222

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year!!

picture @
 The full moon is passing but we will feel it's effects at least a week or more  after...enjoy  mother Cancer energy,father Capricorn,and nurture yourself
fully...howl in the feminine ...
always be the change..xoxo

Helpful information on the full moon in Cancer  

Old Moon:wolf moon
Jan. 9, 2:30 a.m. EST — Full Wolf Moon. Amid the cold and deep snows of mid-winter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages. January's full moon was also known as the Old Moon or the Moon after Yule. In some tribes, this was the Full Snow Moon, but most applied that name to next month's moon

 this is my song choice  for today..listen and read with love Tamika


A word from a true light being SAO :

In certain ways and at certain times, you really do have the option of choosing whether to "wallow" in difficult situations and circumstances, or choosing to "allow" them, to find Peace within yourself on your path.  Surely, this is not always easy, yet sometimes it surely is, and either way it's worth the effort required to get there, to get to Peace Within.

So, "wallow" or "allow", just a teeny-tiny (only one letter) difference between the two.  Perhaps try this:


Allow this Precious song to quiet you and bring you to a real feeling of Peace within, Peace in every cell of you, no matter what you're experiencing, let it be.

Allow this Precious song to move gently in and through you and quell disturbances that occur inside you.

Allow it to help you be okay with crying.


Allow it to surround your troubles like water dancing.


Allow it to be a simple answer for all questions.

We're turning the corner now, so to speak.

Your Spirit is ahead of you, allow it to pull you forward.

This is my prayer for you.

May Love have Its way with you,
